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Through the Bible in a year?

Maybe you missed the boat on jumping into a Bible reading plan that would take you through the entire Bible in a year. Maybe January got away from you and you're thinking February can be a fresh start. Either way, 2018 can still be the year you read through the Bible. Me? I plan to start my Bible through the year on Ash Wednesday by reading through the gospels during Lent. It's not as intimidating as you may think. Oh, OK. Numbers is usually where I slow down quite a bit. And the detailed descriptions of the building of first the tabernacle and then the temple. Still, it's a journey I've taken in the past. I've done plans that take a reading from the Old Testament and pair it with a reading from the New Testament. I've done plans that just go straight through by reading a few chapters a day. There are plans that stretch it out to two years, and plans that move chronologically through the events of the Bible. One time, I even attempted to read straight through in 90 days. It took me closer to 100-something days, but even that plan had its benefits. Before you start looking for a plan, here are some questions to consider. How much time can you realistically set aside for reading? A Bible in 90 days plan includes anywhere from 12 to 18 or more chapters per day. Other plans require about four chapters a day. Consider your own reading ability and the time you have to devote to reading. How are you going to read? Hopefully, you aren't going to read to check a box off the to-do list. If you are reading and reflecting, you can probably handle a few more chapters a day than if you were to be reading and then referring to commentaries for deeper understanding. What translation are you going to read? A mentor-figure once told me she read through the Bible every year and chose a different translation each year. That's a terrific option for those who have read through the Bible before and are looking for a new experience. Some translations like the New Living Translation and The Message are much easier to read, and took me less time each day. Others, like the English Standard Version and the New International Version, take a little more effort. This year, I'm working through the Christian Standard Bible. With these thoughts in mind, where do you go to find a plan? One of the easiest ways to track your progress is through YouVersion. The plans can be accessed online or through the app, and there are plenty of plans from which to chose. You will need to set up an account to be able to track your plan. Bible Study Tools ( also has a list of interesting plans. This site, too, requires registration to access the plans and track your progress. Back to the Bible ( only lists a few plans, but these can be accessed without registration. Don't forget. You can also make up your own plan or use no plan at all. The important part isn't even finishing in a year or two years or 90 days. It's getting deeper into the word of God, and growing closer to the Lord through it. 

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